GB/T 24218.16-2017 Translated English of Chinese Standard (GBT 24218.16-2017, GB/T24218.16-2017, GBT24218.16-2017): Textiles - Test Methods for Nonwovens - Part 16: Determination of Resistance to Penetration by Water (Hydrostatic Pressure) [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 02/09/2017 - 13 من الصفحات This Part of GB/T 24218 specifies adopting the hydrostatic pressure method to determine the resistance to penetration by water of nonwovens. This Part is applicable to the nonwovens intended for use as resistance the liquid penetration. |
Foreword | 7 |
Calibration | 10 |
Calculation | 11 |
Appendix A Informative Instructions on Reproducibility | 13 |
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
10hPa/min or 60hPa/min 5.1 Hydrostatic pressure 5.3 Stopwatch Ensure 5.4 Specimen cutter 6.1 The measurement 7.2 Humidifying 7.4 Level-III water 8.3 Calculate appears three water-seepage-points atmospheric conditions specified average value avoid bubbles appear circular test zone clamping device Clamping valve handle coefficient of variation cutter The specimen damage or slipping different instrument debugging expected water pressure hPa and mbar Hydrostatic Pressure Tester Hydrostatic Pressure Value indicate such test Install the specimen keep the specimen least 5 specimens lower plywood mesh with dimension nonwovens nonwovens with low nylon mesh usage pressure gauge pressure rise rate pressure tester Consists Pressure Value Round-off Read the hydrostatic Record the hydrostatic relevant parties single-place continuous leakage specified in GB/T specimen appears three standard atmospheric standard deviation temperature holding device test device test period Test Report test results Test surface test water contacting third seepage point upper or lower water droplet appears water pressure rise water surface