Human Services and the Afrocentric Paradigm

الغلاف الأمامي
Psychology Press, 2000 - 313 من الصفحات

Discover how human services professionals can help to eliminate cultural oppression!Human Services and the Afrocentric Paradigm presents a new way of understanding human behavior, attacking social problems, and exploring social issues. This excellent guide shows that understanding the simultaneous forces of oppression and spiritual alienation in American society serves as a foundation for understanding the societal problems here. The first book to offer a comprehensive exposition of how the Afrocentric paradigm can be used by human service professionals and community advocates, Human Services and the Afrocentric Paradigm discusses why and how human service work is hampered by Eurocentric cultural values and will help you to offer fair and effective services to your clients. Human Services and the Afrocentric Paradigm provides you with a concrete discription of how the Afrocentric model can be applied in human services to help people of all races and ethnicities. You will expand and diversify your knowledge base in human services by understanding the cultural values, traditions, and experiences of people of African ancestry.Some of the issues and concepts in the Afrocentric paradigm that you will explore are:

  • defining the Afrocentric worldview, complete with a discussion of its philosophical assumptions and its shortcomings
  • understanding traditional helping assumptions and methods of West African societies and how these have influenced the helping strategies of African-Americans
  • exploring the strengths and weaknesses of some early African-American human service scholars, with special concern placed on their rejection of traditional African methods in favor of Eurocentric ideas
  • resolving youth violence and helping people with substance abuse problems
  • examining Afrocentric assumptions about resource distribution, morality, and societal relationships
  • identifying organizational and conceptual differences in Eurocentric and Afrocentric paradigms
  • creating organizational empowerment and an enhanced work environment via the Afrocentric paradigmHuman Services and the Afrocentric Paradigm will help you understand, solve, and prevent problems that are confronted by several races, especially individuals of African descent. This timely and relevant worldview is thoroughly explained to assist you in better serving people of color. The Afrocentric paradigm will help human services practitioners, administrators, policy advocates, analysts, educators, and black studies professors and students achieve educational and treatment objectives by showing you the importance of various cultural values and how to integrate them to make a difference!

من داخل الكتاب


Overview of the Book
Criticisms of Afrocentric Worldview
Afrocentricity Equality and Human Liberation
The Evolution of Black Social Work
Black Social Welfare in America
Oppression and Spiritual Alienation
Youth Violence and the Afrocentric Paradigm
Substance Abuse and the Afrocentric Paradigm
The Afrocentric Paradigm and Human Service
Empowerment Through Organizational Autonomy
Social Work Research and the Afrocentric
Threats to the Survival

The Afrocentric Paradigm and Social Welfare
Foundations of an Afrocentric Political Ideology
The Afrocentric Framework of Social Welfare

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 270 - Neighbors, HW (1991). Racial/ethnic differences in smoking, drinking, and illicit drug use among American high school seniors, 1976-89.
الصفحة 289 - African-American and European-American cultural differences as assessed by the worldviews paradigm: An empirical analysis.

معلومات المراجع