The Forsaken First-born: A Study of a Recurrent Motif in the Patriarchal NarrativesJSOT Press, 1993 - 159 من الصفحات This provocative book combines literary and historical methods to examine the phenomenon of the 'forsaken firstborn' in Genesis. The dignity of the firstborn sons of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph-Ishmael, Esau, Reuben and Manasseh-is disregarded in the narrative and the rights inherent in their status are taken from them and conferred on a younger brother. One might easily compare this with the motif in many folktales of the youngest son outdoing his elder brothers in cleverness and skill. But unlike the folklore motif, in the book of Genesis the younger brother's success is not due to any courageous deed or heroic feat on his own part. Instead the displacement of the elder by the younger is usually the result of somebody else's initiative and achievement. |
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Abraham Abraham's reaction Abrahamsüberlieferungen Alalakh Arpachshad Art in Genesis attitude biblical birth birthright blessing blessing of Jacob Blum Blum's brothers Canaan chapter Chron circumcision composition conflict context covenant descendants desert Deut Deuteronomy Edom Edomites Egypt Eissfeldt element Esau's Esau/Edom exile Exod Ezra father first-born Fishbane Fokkelman foreign Genesis 17 Genesis 25 God's Gunkel Hagar and Ishmael Humbert Isaac and Ishmael Ishmael and Esau Ishmael sections Ishmaelites Israel Israelite Jacob and Esau Jacob Cycle Jacob story Joseph Joseph Stories Judah Keturah Kilian land literary Lord Manasseh McEvenue motif Narrative Art Narrative Style nation Neukirchen-Vluyn Neukirchener Neukirchener Verlag Old Testament oracle original parallel passage patriarchal Poetics postexilic Priestly promise Rad's refers Reuben Sarah separation Seters similar Skinner sons source-critical sources status Sternberg structure texts theological tradition tribes Vätergeschichte vaticinium ex eventu verb Verse Westermann Westermann Genesis words Yahweh