The Ancient Arabs: Nomads on the Borders of the Fertile Crescent, 9Th-5Th Centuries B.C.BRILL, 1982 - 265 من الصفحات |
Preface | 1 |
Akkadian sources | 21 |
The biblical sources | 60 |
From mid9th century B C to Assyrian imperial | 75 |
From TiglathPileser III to Sargon II 738705 B C | 81 |
Sargons economic policy and its effect upon the nomads | 101 |
From Sennacherib to Assurbanipal | 112 |
B The reign of Esarhaddon 681669 B C | 125 |
The Chaldaean period 605539 B C | 170 |
The Achaemenid period 539ca 450 B C | 192 |
B Achaemenid rule in North Arabia and Transjordan | 201 |
Problems of identification | 210 |
Appendix B The Sons of Qeturah and the Sons of Ishmael | 231 |
Map | 241 |
249 | |
259 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
8th century B.C. Abiyate Achaemenid period Akkadian Albright Annals appears Arabian trade Arabs Aššur Assurbanipal Assurbanipal's Assyrian army Assyrian king Babylon Babylonian Chronicle Bible biblical Birdāda booty border regions camels campaign Chron Damascus Dedan documents Dumah Egypt Egyptian Ephah episodes Esarhaddon Fertile Crescent Gaza geographical Hazael Heidel Prism Herodotus historical ibid identified inscriptions of Assurbanipal Iraq Israel Jetur Judah kingdom land of Bāzu Letter to Aššur Me'unites mentioned military Musil Nabonidus Naphish Natnu Nebaioth Nebuchadnezzar's Nimrud Nineveh nomad groups nomads North Arabia Palestine passages Persian Qedar Qedarites Rassam Cylinder reference reign Rost routes Sabaean Šamaš Šamaš-šum-ukin Samsi šar Sargon Sennacherib Septuagint Sheba slab Sons of Ishmael Sons of Qeturah southern Palestine spelling Streck Syria Tadmor Tema territory Thamud Tiglath-Pileser III Tiglath-Pileser's toponym Transjordan tribes tribute Uaite viii Wadi western Winnett Yauta