GB/T 20799-2014 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GBT 20799-2014, GB/T20799-2014, GBT20799-2014): Fresh and frozen meat transport condition [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 28/06/2015 - 10 من الصفحات This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, transportation tools, packaging, label, transport control, handling, management, documents and records related to the fresh and frozen meat. |
Scope | 4 |
Transportation tools | 5 |
Transportation control | 6 |
Handling requirements | 7 |
Management requirements | 8 |
Requirements of documents and records | 9 |
Bibliography | 10 |
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
add and refine Add the requirements alarm device automatic temperature recording cabinet of transportation center temperature cleaning and disinfecting disinfect and keep documents and records enclosed platform equipment and tools exceed fresh and frozen fresh meat Frozen Meat Transport frozen piece handling process Handling requirements implement label Logistics enterprise maintain the temperature Management requirements meat products meat shall meet meat temperature Meat Transport Conditions meet the regulations Ministry of Commerce normal temperature package material process of transportation product temperature prohibit from transportation QC/T railway refrigerated truck reduce the temperature regulations of GB/T Requirements of documents shipment Specify and add Standard station or distribution temperature in cabinet temperature measurement equipment temperature recording device terms and definitions thermal insulation truck tool to ensure transport process transport the fresh Transportation control transportation equipment Transportation of frozen transportation package transportation tool truck shall meet Unit load unloading vehicle cabinet temperature ventilation space vessel